Reports from the AIDS Support

Reshma (2021)

Reshma reports: Last February I was tested and found out that I was HIV positive.


AIDS treatment saves lives - February 2011

AIDS treatment saves lives

Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) can completely change the life of an AIDS patient who would otherwise be doomed to die soon, allowing him or her to continue…


World AIDS Day Newsletter - 1 December 2009

Today we celebrate World AIDS Day.

Everywhere and from all sides, countless statements, comments, demands and verbal or electronic expressions of sympathy are being published, but only very few are…


Feast of Life - 1 December 2007

We celebrated World AIDS Day with a "Celebration of Life" for all our patients on HAART.

A large group of 70 patients came to the celebration. This is more than half of all our patients in the HAART…


Lindani - September 2007

Lindani*, a little girl, was brought to us by her mother. She had the "usual" symptoms, like diarrhoea and vomiting. The little girl does not look well and is quite weak. In addition, her skin is…
