Mbongani (2021)

Mbongani went to school for two years, then he left school on the advice of an Isangoma (that's a fortune teller) to his parents and started looking for work.

Since then he has been without real work.

When he contracted tuberculosis, he had big problems because he had no one to take care of him and could not work. It was difficult for him to pay for his room or to buy something to eat. He became too weak to go to the clinic for his consultations.

Because of this, there were irregularities in his medication and his tuberculosis, which had previously been well under control, broke out again.

TB is the most common cause of all deaths in South Africa. The cure rate dropped from 76% to 70% within the last two years due to an increasing treatment interruption rate.

This sad fact spurs us on to constantly improve our therapy programme.

It confirms the importance of the work of our therapy counsellors.
